Michael Nusbaum has been professionally
active in the field of health informatics for 30 years. Since 1983, he has been providing management consulting
services, in private practice, to a large variety of healthcare provider,
vendor and professional organizations.
Prior to that, Michael held senior management positions in both the B.C.
and Alberta health ministries.
Michael holds a Masters of Health Administration from the University of
Alberta, together with a Bachelors degree in
Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto.
Michael has taught extensively at a number of post-secondary
institutions (including UVIC, UBC and BCIT), in the fields of health management
and health informatics, in roles that include guest lecturer, sessional
lecturer, and Adjunct Assistant Professor.
Michael has
previously held the following professional appointments:
- President, Health Care Leaders' Association of B.C.,
- Vice-Chair, Vancouver Island Chapter of the Canadian College of Health
Service Executives,
- President, Washington State chapter of HIMSS,
- Chair, HIMSS EHR Steering Committee
- President, B.C. Health Information Management Professionals' Society,
- Director, COACH, Canada's Health Informatics Association
- Member,
Standards Collaborative Coordinating Committee
Current professional
appointments include:
- Director, IHE International Board of Directors
- Member, Canadian delegation to ISO/TC215 and Canadian Advisory Committee to
- ISO/TC215 representative to the Technical Subcommittee of the Standards
- IHE Interoperability Showcase Planning Committee
In addition, Michael is
currently active in the following professional organizations:
- Canadian College of Health Service Executives
- Infoway Standards Collaborative
- IHE/Canada
- ITAC Health
Michael sits on a number of International, Canadian and local health
care committees and task forces, and has been extensively published on a
variety of topics.
Michael H. Nusbaum
MH Nusbaum & Associates
81 Howe St., Victoria, BC
Canada V8V 4K2
Tel. (250)384-0001
(rev 27Oct2011)